
Build robots explore and rule the galaxy...

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About this game

Free to play

Play but you dont pay. You'll not find microtransation, cashop, premium, battlepass...

Idle game

Unic idle strategic features with fun and clever economic management


Track your progress and be the best

This game is here only to find among the web archives of Humans the future explorers to be called to action in the Great Expansion...

Made with

Indie game made with love by gamers


The story behind

Report 001 - 6342 A.D

4200 years later, after ravaging its homeworld, most of humanity had digitalized itself. Emotion-decentered, efficient, ecologically balanced : Humanity and AI harmoniously merged together in a new species.

By placing the data contained in our brain in little digital archive boxes called Ghosts, we allowed our consciousness to travel much further.

Be the best here, and maybe earn your place to start exploring space, embodying safely the spaceship, mech or factory sent on distant, rich or hostile planets for exploration, colonization and resource exploitation !

Read the full story

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